Well today is Easter Sunday, so happy easter everyone!!
I hope your day is filled with happiness and chocolate. Lots of chocolate! I have already munched my way through one easter egg and half a lint bunny and its only 11.30am. But if you can't do it at easter then when can you?!
This is, however, going to be my first easter as a pescatarian and I feel I'm definitely going to miss the big traditional roast dinner that usually dominates any easter celebrations. But, one little easter bunny or lamb will still be bounding around in the fields thanks to me. The poor fish however, well there's no hope for them.
Living in the U.A.E, Easter sometimes falls a little by the way side. There are limited shops selling easter eggs, no talk of going to church, no spring weather celebrations as by now summer is starting to kick in here and of course no roasted hams. So, in an attempt to make it feel more 'eastery' here I went and bought myself a big bunch of flowers and did some spring cleaning. It worked, a little. However, it did remind me of my rubbish luck with men when I have to buy my own flowers....rather than bouquets simply arriving at my apartment door as they should be! Never mind, I'm sure thats still to come!
Have a lovely day one and all!