Sunday, 24 April 2011

Happy Easter

Well today is Easter Sunday, so happy easter everyone!!

I hope your day is filled with happiness and chocolate. Lots of chocolate! I have already munched my way through one easter egg and half a lint bunny and its only 11.30am. But if you can't do it at easter then when can you?! 

This is, however, going to be my first easter as a pescatarian and I feel I'm definitely going to miss the big traditional roast dinner that usually dominates any easter celebrations. But, one little easter bunny or lamb will still be bounding around in the fields thanks to me. The poor fish however, well there's no hope for them.

Living in the U.A.E, Easter sometimes falls a little by the way side. There are limited shops selling easter eggs, no talk of going to church, no spring weather celebrations as by now summer is starting to kick in here and of course no roasted hams. So, in an attempt to make it feel more 'eastery' here I went and bought myself a big bunch of flowers and did some spring cleaning. It worked, a little. However, it did remind me of my rubbish luck with men when I have to buy my own flowers....rather than bouquets simply arriving at my apartment door as they should be! Never mind, I'm sure thats still to come! 

Have a lovely day one and all! 

Thursday, 21 April 2011

International Earth Day

Today is International Earth Day.

Try to take a little bit of time out, to reflect on the beauty of this planet that we all call home

I like to think of it as Mother's day for Mother nature so, how about we all give her a break today.

Just try that little bit harder to look after it today. Use your car less, be careful with how much water you use, turn down the a/c a little, recycle whatever is recyclable, turn off that extra light....these little things, if we all do them can really make a difference.

And if you really want to spoil Mother Earth, get out there and plant a tree!

Check out for more information.

Dubai Fashion Week

Dubai fashion week (DFW) is happening right now (from the 19th to the 23rd) showcasing some of the regions most influential and emerging talents.

The event is overseen by fashion industry experts and enables local and regional designers and fashion houses to present their collection for Fall/Winer 2011 to global and regional buyers, media, fashion professionals and the general public.

There are some amazing designs on display with particulary fantastic pieces from Par
isian designer Aly Fawaz...

Not a great start to the weekend!

I felt a tingle in my throat on Tuesday when I was at work, but I had an invite to the Cosmopolitan party so after taking a couple of painkillers I pushed it to the back of my mind.

On Wednesday, I woke up tired and groggy but wasn't sure if it was the sore throat, or the late evening. So off I went to work. After 8 hours teaching 5 year olds I was feeling pretty bad. I took myself home, made soup, drank some orange juice and sent myself to bed at 8pm feeling very responsible.

Thursday, 6.30.....ouch! Woke up before my alarm due to the pain in my head and the scratchiness in my throat. I got up, had some coffee and some Lemsip and got ready for school. Fast froward to 3pm and I was light headed, nauseous, sneezing, and my throat felt like it had doubled in size.

Problem was, I was due at a friend's birthday party in Al Ain at 7pm. And another friend's easter dinner on Friday. It takes an hour and a half to get to Al Ain from Dubai and there was no possible way I could manage that so....on the first night of the long Easter weekend I'm stuck at home, drinking tea, watching movies and taking painkillers. Not the best start indeed.

Inshaa'Allah I will be feeling better in the morning.

Cosmopolitan Middle East party!

On Tuesday, myself and a girlfriend were luck
y enough to bag
ourselves some invites to attend the very first Cosmop
olitan Middle East Ladies Night Launch Party!

Taking place at the fabulous Media One hotel in Dubai, the invite promised canopies, a pink carpet and
free cosmo's! All a promise of a good evening.

Upon arrival there was an array of pink and white miniature sparkling cupcakes and cookies and we were each presented with a lovely goodie bag full of beautiful treats. The cosmo cocktails were delicious and served in generous glasses complete with Cosmopolitan stirrers. Friendly waiters rushed around all evening
with trays loaded with delicious ca-napes and sweet treats. The d.j played uplifting house music and it was a really nice gathering, especially set against the fantastic backdrop of the M-Dek pool bar.

Definitely a good start for the Cosmopolitan team , a great first issue followed by a fabulous night for 400 of their readers.

Thanks Cosmo, glad to have you in the Middle East!

I'm back

Okay after being very lazy when it comes to my blog for the past few months, and very busy when it comes to teaching and tutoring I have decided that I need to switch up my priorities if I ever want to be successful as a writer.

In the meantime, I have managed to secure a monthly spot with a local magazine, more details when all is confirmed in black and white. And have also been busy helping a new business with their PR and marketing materials, again more details to follow when appropriate.

So, please follow me... I promise to be a much more dedicated, caring, informative blogger from here on out.